Drive Head
INDOFAB driveheads are specially designed for compatibility with scraping mechanism used in Clarifiers, Thickeners, HRSCC and similar equipments. Their robust design of mounting and overload protection system has been developed exclusively for Industrial and Wastewawter applications where inlet load is fluctuating.

Bridge Mounted DriveHead
These Drives are typically made of CS or Graded Iron Worm Wheel resting on a large size Bearing (Steel Balls & Bearing Strip Liners forming a bearing cage) driven by Alloy Steel Hardened worm fixed to the Worm Shaft. The EN8/EN19 Worm shaft is driven & coupled by suitably selected Gear box & Motor. The Worm Shaft, Worm, Worm Wheel with all bearings, Adaptor & Thrust collar are Splash Oil Bath Lubricated in a Gear Housing & Top covered with a housing cover. The gear housing & cover are typically shaped to give large base & easy foundation holes, Oil Indicator, Oil Drain, Inspection Cover & Seals / gaskets to be put in place. Large sizes of Drive >900mm are provided with Special Fabricated Steel Hub to take severe shock loads & simultaneously facilitate easy Gear design and maintenance .
Column Mounted DriveHead
Popularly known as Scrapper drives, S-type drives, Fixed bridge drives, Pier mounted Cage Drives or Central Drives
IDriveheads constitutes the most critical part of all sedimentation equipment.
Indofab Drive Systems are used & preferred by many OEMs, EPC & Consultants equally for installation with wide range of Scrapper Mechanism like Clarifiers, Thickeners, De-Gritters, HRSCC, Flocculators & Clariflocculators because of Large Bearing area for carrying Heavy suspended loads. Capable to withstand Overturning moment of Rake arms. Robust construction of Turntable ensures durability for life. Large Face width gears for higher torque capacity. Low refurbishment cost due to easily replaceable standard sizes of bearing strips, steel balls and bearings. Available with Mechanical / Digital Overload protection systems to measure and monitor torque. These systems are most popular for being robust in construction and are mounted on the Centre Pier or Centre Column. These are very cost effective mechanisms for reducing the high cost of full spanning Mechanism Support to a mere half walkway bridge.

Lifting Device
Optional: Manual, Motorised and Hydraulic Lifting Device
Motorised lifting device enables lifting of scrapper mechanism during operation with increase in load and vice versa. Essential when used for rapid settling slurries, Autolift mechanism senses and initiates lifting device thus protecting the rake mechanism & enabling continuous operations. No Rotary Electrical Contacts or Slip rings (normally very fragile & costly); This makes Motorized lifting device more cost effective & trouble free in operation. Lifting Device with traditional slip rings systems are also available on request. Lifting Device are available for standard lifts of 300, 450, 600, 900 and 1200 mm lifts.
HRSCC DriveHead
INDOFAB driveheads are specially designed for compatibility with scraping mechanism used in HRSCC and similar equipments. The twin spool shaft is designed to rotate at different speeds as required by Impellor and Scrapper in HRSCC system.

Heavy Duty Drives

Alias AGITATOR DRIVES / HIGH TORQUE THICKENER DRIVESTypically such drive consists of Alloy Steel Integral Worm Shaft assembled on End Bearings to drive the Worm Wheel (CS/Gr.CI/Bronze) resting on a large size heavy duty bearing. A Quill shaft is assembled in Worm Wheel Hub with an additional Steady Guide Bottom Bearing.
These set of bearings forms the Bearing Housing necessary to take High Speed High Torque required in the Application. These Drives are housed in a CS/CI housing with large capacity Oil bath for continuous Rigorous operating conditions. Available in wide operating range of 0.1 to 24 rpm & standardised sizes from 5000 Kg-M upto 60000 Kg-M Continuous operating torque. These types are typically used for to Heavy Duty Agitators, Thickeners , Paddle Agitators , Dregs Mixers and Storage Tank Agitators.